العـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــلم والحيــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــاة

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

العـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــلم والحيــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــاة

العـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــلم والحيــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــاة

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

    مراجعة قصة العناكب بشكل جديد

    Mr. Yasser
    Mr. Yasser

    عدد المساهمات : 101
    تاريخ التسجيل : 30/10/2010
    العمر : 57

    مراجعة قصة العناكب بشكل جديد Empty مراجعة قصة العناكب بشكل جديد

    مُساهمة  Mr. Yasser الثلاثاء نوفمبر 02, 2010 5:50 pm

    The Spiders


    Mr. Yasser Khalid

    Not for sale

    Questions with model answers

    Answer the following questions

    1- Where did the team of archeologists work ?

    2- Describe the four robbers :

    3- How did the four men go to that place ?

    4- What did they see in the under ground passage ?

    5- What had the archeologists discovered the week before ?

    6- Why was the second room empty ?

    7- Why was the oldest man's plan to get treasures ?

    8- Why was it necessary to finish their job that right ?

    9- What was the use of the ground penetrating Radar for them ?

    10- How does the GPR work ?

    11- What did the men do to enter the room the GPR showed ?

    12- What covered the oldest man's face and body on entering the room ?

    13- What caused the death of the four men ?

    14- Why did the helicopter fly over that place ?

    15- What made the pilot bring the helicopter down ?

    16- What did they think when he saw the four dead men ?

    17- How was the pilot about to meet his end ? What saved him ?

    18- What did the police do when they arrived ?

    19- What had happened to the small spiders during the day ?

    20- Where did the police take the Land cruisers ?

    21- How was the police officer who discovered the treasures in the Land cruiser in great danger ?

    22- What did the spider do when the officer ran to his superior ?

    23- Where does a spider Like to Live ?

    24- Why was the Hassan's house not suitable for the Live in ?

    25- How did Ayman get a computer ?

    26- How did Ayman make use of the Internet ?

    27- What was the conversation between Ayman and his Internet friends Ed and Jill about ?

    28- What was Dr . Shereen reply ?

    29- Where did the spider find a suitable home ?

    30- Why was that place suitable for the spider ?

    31- What did the spider enclose its eggs in ?

    32- What information did Dr . Fakhry request ?

    33- What did archeologist in Egypt say about spiders in ancient Egypt ?

    34- Describe the picture of the spider found near Bawiti ?

    35- To whom did Dr . Fakhry forward the archaeologist's message ?

    36- What did Ayman say about the picture of the spider ?

    37- How did Ayman believe the spider come to Hamdaya ?

    38- What did Dr . Fakhry advise Ayman to do ?

    39- Why did Ayman think the spider was not deadly ?

    40- What did the German Egyptologist translate ?

    41- How was the medicine for the bites of the black and yellow spider made?

    42- What Dr . Fakhry ask her friend Suzan Bennett to do ?

    43- Why would Dr . Malcolm Jones arrived at Hamdaya ?

    44- Where did the big spider find a safe place ?

    45- What did Dr . Shereen tell Ayman in here –E – mail ?

    46- Why was professor Malcolm Jones interested in the story of the spider ?

    47- Why did the professor decide to go to Hamdaya ? When would he reach it?

    48- What did uncle Walid advise him not to do ? Why ?

    49- What made Ayman feel that he was a fool ?

    50- Why were two lorries near the police station ?

    51- What were the officers on the lorries going to do ?

    52- Why was the archaeological site dangerous ?

    53- What happened to archaeologists in that site ?

    54- What made uncle Walid believe that there might be danger in the town ?

    55- Why were they in need of protective clothes ? How did they get them ?

    56- What did Ayman tell the colonel ?

    57- What did the colonel ask the professor to do ? Why ?

    58- Why was Ayman to go with the professor ?

    59-Why had Ayman print out Dr . Shereen's E – mail ?


    1- In an archeological site in the western desert.

    2- The oldest man was the leader , also there were a small man , a big man and a tall man they seemed to be foreigners .

    3- In two Land cruisers .

    4- They saw paintings of ancient – Egyptian gods and writing on the walls.

    5- Two room in one of them there was a treasure .

    6- Because the treasure was sent to the museum .

    7- His plan was to find out if there were any other rooms containing treasures .

    8- To finish their work before the team of archaeologists get up .

    9- To find out what behind the walls is .

    10- It transmits radio waves through the wall when the waves hit some things on the other side , they came back to the machine .

    11- They broke through the wall by force .

    12- Huge spiders' web .

    13- They were bitten by spiders .

    14- It was flying to a transmitter in the desert .

    15- He saw a tall man's body on the sand .

    16- The pilot though that the man got lost and died of thirst .

    17- The biggest spider was at the back of the car . He was saved by the engineer's words to get on the radio.

    18- The police drove the cars to a new town .

    19- They died of the heat of the sun .

    20- To the police station .

    21-Because the deadly spider was very close to him but he took no notice.

    22- It escaped to one of the nearby houses .

    23- Dark / quiet and safe places .

    24- Because it was noisy and full of light .

    25- His uncle gave it to him after he had bought a new one .

    26-For making friends and his university studies .

    27- It was about having a job future.

    28- The town was a real town but she wasn't sure about the story of spiders .

    29- In the house next to Ayman house .

    30- Because it was dark , quiet and safe .

    31- It Laid ( produced ) 2000 eggs in four sacs of a white silk .

    32- Some information about the ancient Egyptian deadly spiders .

    33- He said they were deadly spiders and added that he discovered a picture of them in a tomb near Bawiti .

    34- It was a black and yellow spider with two yellow lines on its back .

    35- To Ayman .

    36- It was the same as the spider he had seen .

    37- It came in one of the boxes of jewels that the police brought from a nearby tomb .

    38- She advised him to photograph the spider if he saw it again , also she asked him to tell the police .

    39- Because there aren't any deadly spiders in modern Egypt .

    40- The German Egyptologist translated two thousand – year –old text about ancient Egyptian medicine for a spiders bites .

    41- From the root of a plant called "Echinacea " .

    42- To identify the spider that Ayman saw and decide whether it was a deadly spider or not .

    43- Because he thought that the spider that Ayman saw was dangerous .

    44- In a house next to Ayman's house .

    45- She said she had discussed the spider's affair with professor Malcolm and he was on his way to Hamdaya .

    46- Because he believed it was an unknown species and might be dangerous.

    47- Because he was interested in the matter , he would arrive there the next morning .

    48- He advised him not to tell police because such stories weren't good for business .

    49- Because he wasn't sure about the story of the deadly spider .

    50- The two lorries were going to an archaeological site in the desert to stop anyone going near it

    51- To guard the archaeological site where the spiders were found .

    52- Because it had deadly spiders .

    53- Thy were bitten by spiders and died .

    54- After he had heard about the death of six archaeologists by spider bites .

    55- To protect themselves from``spider bites , they got them from the fire department

    56- He told him every thing about the spider he had seen .

    57- He asked him to try to find one of the deadly spiders and identify it , to find the suitable medicine for spider's bites .

    58- To say whether it was the same as the spider he had seen .

    59- Because he was in a hurry .


    Complete the following

    1- On the walls of the passage there were painting of ancient Egyptian gods and writing from 3000 years ago .

    2- The second room which the archaeologists discovered contained gold and other treasures .

    3- The gold objects and other treasures were sent to the museum in Cairo .

    4- In the center of the room were two mummies both mummies had gold mask .

    5- The spiders bit the big man and each time the man felt their long fangs in his skin .

    6- The robbers all died from the spider's bites .

    7- As the robbers drove through the desert they felt pain all over their bodies they began to sweat heavily .

    8- The cars and the dead men were found by a helicopter pilot .

    9- While the officer was running to tell his superior about the gold the deadly spider escaped .

    10- The spider can hide inside walls and between floors .

    11- Ayman used the computer for his studies and for making friends in other countries .

    12- The conversations on the Internet were like written telephone conversations but

    they were cheaper than telephone .

    13- Ayman was going to the shops when he saw the spider in the garden .

    14- The World wide web is like a great library but the information in this library moves between thousands of computer around the world .

    15- The spiders were so dangerous that the people decided to burn the town down .

    16- Many ancient towns and villages died about 2000 years ago because the climate in

    Egypt became drier and the towns and villages disappeared under desert sand .

    17- The spider needed to find a home because it was a female and it was ready to lay its eggs .

    18- When the picture of the large spider appeared on the screen Dr . Fakhry felt a cold shiver down the back of her neck .

    19- Dr . Fakhry told Ayman that he should tell the police about the spider because she thought the spider might be dangerous

    20- Ayman didn't want to tell the police because he thought everyone would laugh at him .

    21- According to the German Egyptologist the most interesting medicine was Echinacea Negra . It is made from the root of the Echinacea Negra plant .

    22- According to database there are 30000 species of spiders and the number goes up all the time

    23- Every year professor Jones finds three of four unknown species .

    24- Professor Jones said that spiders are very useful animals because they eat insects

    and without them there would be more flies and mosquitoes and other pests .

    25- The antivenom for one spider won't work against the venom of a different spider .

    26- If the spider which Ayman saw is unknown ,there is no an antivenom /scientists will have to develop a new antivenom .

    27- The female spider guarded its eggs because inside each egg a small spider was moving .

    28-Ayman's uncle thought that he shouldn't tell the police because he didn't want to worry people unnecessarily .

    29- If people believe Ayman's story , they won't stay in the hotels , they won't eat in the restaurants and they won't buy their products or a lot of business will lose money .

    30- They're going to guard an archaeological site in the desert because it is dangerous and they want to atop anyone going near it

    31- The officers got protective clothes from the fire department / which used when they're fighting chemical fires .

    32- The officers will wear protective clothes to keep the spiders out .

    33- Colonel Mikhail thought that his men are going to be in danger from these spiders until they get the correct antivenom .

    34- The professor Jones came to Egypt to find the spiders and identity them.

    Read each quotation and then answer the question :

    1- " That's your job . "

    A) Who was the oldest man speaking to ?

    B ) What was his job ?

    C) Why did they want to do so ?

    2- " They probably got lost and died of thirst "

    A) Who is the speaker ?

    B) Who was he speaking about ?

    C) Was his opinion about their death correct ?

    3- " If there are more rooms here this machine will find them in minutes "

    A) What was that machine ?

    B) How could that machine find the rooms ?

    C) Why was that machined connected to a comp .


    1-a- He was speaking to the small man who was carrying the GPR .

    b- his job was to detect what was behind the walls .

    c- To enter the rooms where there were gold and treasure .

    2-a- The speaker is the pilot of a helicopter .

    b- He was speaking about the four dead men in the two cars .

    c – No / because they died of the bites of deadly spiders .

    3-a- It was the GPR ground penetrating radar .

    b- It transmits radio waves through the wall . when the waves hit some thing on the other side they some back to the machine gain .

    c- It was connected to a computer to change waves into pictures .

    1- " Spiders use webs to catch flies . but I'm going to use the web to find a spider "

    A) Who was the speaker ?

    B) What was he speaking about ?

    C) How might he find the spider ?

    2- " They hoped to kill all the spiders and then rebuild the town . "

    A) Where did Ayman read these words ?

    B) Where were they included ?

    C ) How would the people kill the spiders ?


    1-a- Ayman was the speaker .

    b- He was speaking about the world wide web .

    c- He might find the spider by searching for it on the computer .

    2-a- On the computer screen .

    b- They were included in an English translation of a very old Egyptian text .

    c- By burning the town down .

    Read Each Quotation And Then Answer The Questions

    1- " I think you should tell the police about all that "

    A) Who is the speaker ?

    B) What should Ayman tell the police about ?

    C) Why did Ayman refuse to tell the police ?

    2- " If there's an unknown species of spider in the town . I want to find it " .

    A) Which town did professor Jones speak about ?

    B) Why was he interested in the unknown species of spider ?

    C) What did he do to achieve this ?

    3-" This medicine is for the bite of the black and yellow spider that kills ."

    A) How old was the text which this statement was mentioned ?

    B) How was that medicine made ?

    C) What did Dr . Fakhry conclude when she read this statement ?


    1-A- Dr . Shereen Fakhry is the speaker .

    B- Ayman should tell the police about the spider he saw .

    C- Because he thought that everyone would laugh at him .

    2-A- He spoke about Hamayya.

    B- Because he was an archeologist .

    C- He flew to Cairo.

    3-A- It was two thousand years old .

    B- It was made from the root of the Echinacea plant .

    C- He concluded that the deadly spiders were probably real .


    1- " please be careful if you see it again ."

    A) What does the word (it ) refer to ?

    B) Why did Dr . Fakhry say this to Ayman ?

    C) What was professor Jones's opinion about the matter ?

    2-" Let's hope it is a known species ."

    A) Who is the speaker ?

    B) Who was he speaking to ?

    C) Why did he hope that ?

    3-" It is possible that the danger has already spread to the town . Yes , I have good reasons to believe this . "

    A) Who said this statement and to whom was it said ?

    B) What sort of danger was it ?

    C) Who was the best person to explain these reasons ?


    1-A- The word (It) refers to the spider .

    B- He said this to Ayman because the spider might be very dangerous .

    C-Professor Jones thought that the spider might be an unknown species .

    2-A- Colonel Mikhail , the police chief , was the speaker .

    B- He was speaking to professor Jones .

    C- Because there was no antivenom for this species .

    3-A- It was said by Ayman's uncle to colonel Mikhail .

    B- The danger was the presence the deadly spider in town .

    C- Ayman was the best person to explain these reasons because he was the only one who saw the spider in Hamdayya .

    Questions with model answers

    1- Why did the men have to wear protective clothing underground ?

    * To protect themselves against the deadly spiders .

    2- Who wanted to kill the spiders ? Who didn't want ? Why ?

    * Captain Ahmed wanted to kill the spiders , as his job was to prevent more deaths . professor Jones didn't want because this was a new species and a great scientific discovery .

    3- Why had a fence been built around the site ?

    *Because the robbers had got into the tombs two weeks before or ( to keep the robbers out ) .

    4- According to the professor , why was it impossible to kill all the spiders ?

    * Because the spiders were under the ground . They didn't know where all the underground rooms and passages were . They didn't even know how big the area was . They could kill some of the spiders , but some of them would escape .

    5- Why was captain Ahmed keen on destroying the spiders ?

    * Because ten people had died already and his job was to prevent more deaths .

    6- Why was professor Jones sure that this spider was an unknown species ?

    * Because he searched the database of all know species of black and yellow spiders but he found no spider like this one .

    7- What method do scientists use to make antivenom ? Or How is antivenom made ?

    * First , they put small quantities of venom into animals , usually horses or sheep , and then the animals make antibodies to fight the venom . Scientists can extract the antibodies from the animals .

    8- What orders did the captain give to his officers before returning to the town ?

    * Not to let anybody come near the site .

    9- Spiders are more sensitive than us . Explain why ?

    * Because they could feel our footsteps before us .

    10- What did the captain order his men to do after searching the empty house ?

    * To spray the whole house and the surrounding area .

    * To search for the dead female .

    11- What did Wafaa say about these plants ?

    * They might work against only the bites of males and young spiders , so they might save Ayman .

    12- According to the professor , why is the female spider a thousand times more dangerous than the male ?

    * Male spiders didn't live more than a few weeks .

    *The female spider had a nest in which she laid its eggs .

    * Its bite was stronger and there was no medicine for it .

    13- Why did captain Osama switch on the car's lights ?

    * Because it was dark during the storm .

    14- The road was not their only problem . What was the other problem ?

    * The problem was that wadis would be filled up with water .

    15- What were the signs of bad weather in Sinai ?

    * Dark clouds over the mountains .

    *The storm was beginning .

    * There was a flash of lightening and thunder followed by heavy rain .

    16- Why did Wafaa Sultan tell herself that she had a young man's life in her hands ?

    * To encourage herself and fight her fear .

    17- Why did the captain ask Wafaa to press the horn if she saw a tree coning ?

    * To have time to move before a tree hit the car in the water .

    18- The captain's face was dark and tense before crossing the 3rd . Wadi . why ?

    *Because they were running out of time to reach the 3rd . wadi before it was impossible to cross and also Ayman needed the Echinacea Negra or he would die .

    19- What happened to Ayman in hospital / how did they save him ?

    * His breathing stopped around 1 a.m. they kept him alive on a ventilator .

    20 – What did the doctors do with the plants ?

    * They made some medicine from then and gave it to Ayman .

    21- How did professor Jones reward Ayman ?

    * He said that Ayman could go and study at Oxford University if he wanted to

    * He gave him a camera as a generous and a thank you present .

    22- Why was everyone surprised that Ayman didn't die from the deadly female spider's bite ?

    * Because it was very dangerous and there was no medicine for it .

    23- Both Lamia and Mohamed had different points views about attacking the spiders . Explain ?

    * Lamia said that the spiders wouldn't hurt anybody unless people disturbed them .

    * Mohamed said that this was an important archaeological site for both archaeologists and tourists .

    24- According to Ayman's uncle , why didn't Ayman have to worry about getting a job ?

    * Because all the best employers wanted a man like him .

    25- Why did the second bite have a little effect on Ayman ?

    * Because he already had so much antivenom in his body from the first time .


    1- " If these spiders are unknown species , scientists will have to develop a new antivenom " .

    A) Who was the speaker , to whom ?

    * The professor to captain Ahmed .

    B) Was it easy to develop a new antivenom ?

    * No , it was a slow and difficult process with lost of problems .

    C) What was the most difficult part in developing a new antivenom ?

    * Extracting the antivenom from the blood and making it safe to use .

    2- " Yes , they're the same as the spider I saw in town . Only that one was larger . "

    A) With what did the professor examine the spiders ?

    * With a magnifying glass .

    B) What was the kind of these spiders ?

    * They were all adult males .

    3-" I didn't know much about plants . This botanist is the person to ask "

    A) Who said these words , to whom ?

    * professor Jones to captain Ahmed .

    B) What plants does the speaker refer to ?

    * Echinacea negra plants .

    C) Who was the botanist ?

    * Wafaa Sultan , a botanist at Cairo University .

    4- " Ayman Hassan doesn't have much more time . "

    A) Who said this , to whom ?

    * The colonel to captain Ahmed .

    B) What did it mean ?

    * Ayman didn't have much more time to live .

    C) Why didn't Ayman have much more time ?

    * Because he had been bitten by the spiders .

    5- " You suit's torn ! Get out ! Get out !"

    A) Who said this , to whom ?

    * The captain to Ayman .

    B) What did the speaker do to save the listener ?

    * He pushed him towards the stairs at the end of the passage but it was too late .

    C) Why was it too late ?

    * Because Ayman felt sharp bites again and again before they died .

    6-" There are probably only one female spider in the town because the females are very big …."

    A) Who said this , to whom ?

    * professor Jones to colonel Mikhail .

    B) Why did the speaker think there was only one female spider ?

    *Because the female spiders were very big and no one except Ayman reported a big spider .

    C) What was the most urgent task for the police ?

    * To find the female spider's nest in the town .

    7- " Watch out for us . press the horn if you see a tree coming . "

    A) What was the speaker going to do ?

    * To get the men and the plants out by attaching one end of the rope to the town bar .

    B) Why did the speaker ask this person to press the horn if she saw a tree coming ?

    * To have time to move before a tree hit the car in the water .

    8- " Yes , we did . The female's bite is very , very dangerous , and we have no medicine for it . "

    A) Who said this ? to whom ?

    * Dr . Salah to the reporter .

    B) What does the sentence " yes , we did . " refer to ?

    * The expected Ayman to die from the spider's bite .

    C) Why did the second bite have little effect on Ayman ?

    * Because Ayman already had so much antivenom in his body from the first bite .

    Complete the following

    1- The professor took a magnifying glass so that he could examine the spiders they were all adult males .

    2- It can take many years to produce a safe antivenom in large quantities .

    3- The men who were going underground were wearing large black suits made of strong plastic with a thick transparent window over their faces .

    4- The police officers tried to kill the large female spider by using their insecticide spray .

    5- Professor Jones believed that the plan to destroy these spiders couldn't succeed unless they damaged this important archaeological site .

    6- To fight the venom or the virus , scientists must make antibodies .

    7- The fence and the gate had been put up after the robbers had got into the tomb two weeks before .

    8- The professor thought that the young officer was coughing badly as he just breathed in some insecticides .

    9- The colonel wanted the captain and professor Jones to return to the town in order to bring the dead spiders with them to send their venom sacs to an antivenom lab to begin work on an antivenom .

    10- In Jones opinion , captain Ahmed can't destroy these spiders because this was a new species and a great scientific discovery .

    11- The captain's job was to prevent more deaths .

    12- A barrier was made by the police at the edge of the town to prevent cars from entering or leaving the town .

    13- The professor believed there was only one female spider because the females were very big and nobody except Ayman had reported seeing a big spider .

    14- When the female spider landed on Ayman's face the surprise knocked him off balance and he felt to the ground .

    15- A spider likes to build its nest in somewhere dark quiet and cool .

    16- When clouds of poisonous insecticide filled the room , the calm sea of spiders became a stormy sea . They jumped into the walls and into the men .

    17- Spiders covered the men's facemasks , so they could hardly see .

    18- It was such heavy spraying that nothing could live through it not even the big female spider .

    19- According to the colonel , the most urgent task is to find the female spider's nest .

    20- The spiders were able to bite Ayman when his suit was torn .

    21- The helicopter couldn't get the cars because of the storm , so they had to drive through the storm .

    22- The third car was heavier than the jeep , so they could get across .

    23- Waffaa's task was to press the horn if she saw a tree coming .

    24- The two officers of the third car got out , finally the four men pulled the rope to the car and attached it .

    25- The road was not their only problem .

    26- The second wadi was wider , and the water was higher , but they all got across .

    27- Wafaa and Farouk were botanists .

    28- The storm began after they had found the Echinacea Negra plants .

    29- Wafaa Sultan managed to pull the car out of the water .

    30- When Ayman saw the spider near Lamia , he asked her to keep sill and not to move to take a photo of her .

    31- On Ayman's hand , there were two bright red marks .

    32- The minister described Ayman as a brave young man who was ready to give his life to save others .

    33- Ayman was still weak , so Mohamed held his arm as he walked .

    34- The attachments of the camera were kept in an expensive aluminum case .

    35- Professor Jones said that Ayman could study at Oxford University if he wanted to .

    36- The police had to keep looking for the spider because they hadn't found it .

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الجمعة يوليو 05, 2024 1:35 pm