العـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــلم والحيــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــاة

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

العـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــلم والحيــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــاة

العـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــلم والحيــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــاة

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

2 مشترك

    The Spiders

    Mr. Yasser
    Mr. Yasser

    عدد المساهمات : 101
    تاريخ التسجيل : 30/10/2010
    العمر : 57

    The Spiders Empty The Spiders

    مُساهمة  Mr. Yasser الأحد أكتوبر 31, 2010 4:31 pm

    farao farao farao
    Some Important Points On “The Spiders”
    The things carried in the story:
    Ch. 1 :
    • The small man carried a machine like a large camera ( G P R ).
    • The tall man carried a small computer.
    • The big man carried a bag of equipment.
    a• The old man carried nothing.
    Ch. 5 :
    • Professor Jones carried a machine like a gun ( the smoker )آلة الدخان.
    • Ayman carried a bag of equipment for the professor.
    • Three young officers carried insecticide tanksخزانات المبيد الحشري.
    • Captain Ahmed El-Sherif carried nothing.
    Ch. 7 :
    • The third car carried the Echinacea Negra plant.

    1- The persons escaped death الناجون من الموت:
    Ch. 1 :
    • The pilot’s hands were near the spider in the robbers’ car and it would attack him but the engineer asked him to go to the helicopter to report يبلغ the police.
    Ch. 2 :
    • The female would attack the police officer who opened the robbers’ cars but he went to tell his superior رئيسه about the treasures.
    • Najat’s foot was near the spider which was ready to attack but she moved her foot away because her mother called her.
    Ch. 5 :
    • The suit of the young officer in the tomb protected him from the spider which broke his face mask.
    Ch. 6 :
    • The female spider attacked an officer in the empty house but Captain Ahmed Knocked ضرب it to the ground.
    • When the female attacked Ayman, because his suit was torn ممزقة , the doctors gave
    him the Echinacea Negra medicine.
    Ch. 7 :
    • The officers in the three cars, Farouk and Captain Osama would die if they tried to swim but they managed to نجحوا في climb a rocky island.
    Ch. 8 :
    • Ayman could save Lamia from the female by using the camera’s flash to blind it
    and knocked it into the aluminum case.
    • When Ayman could save Lamia from the female, it bit him in his hand but his body had already بالفعل made a lot of antibodies أجسام مضادةso he escaped death.

    2- The persons searched the data base قاعــدة البيــانات:
    • Ayman, Suasan Bennet, Dr. Shereen Fakhry and Professor Jones tried to find information about the black and yellow spider on the data base but they found pictures of spiders which didn’t match تتطابق مع Ayman’s spider.

    3- The Orders & requests الأوامـر والطلبـــات :
    Ch. 1 :
    • The old man ordered his men to find the gold and get out before morning.
    • The small man ordered the robbers to get out of the tomb after being bitten.
    • The big man ordered the robbers to get the spiders off him as they attacked him.
    Ch. 3 :
    • Dr. Shereen asked Ayman to photograph the spider, to be careful and to tell thepolice.
    Ch. 4 :
    • Uncle Walid ordered Ayman not to tell the police or anyone outside the family about the spider.
    Ch. 5 :
    • Professor Jones told Captain Ahmed not to destroy يدمرthe spiders because it was a great scientific discovery اكتشاف علمي عظيم .
    • Captain Ahmed ordered his men not to let يتركواanyone come near the site or anything to leave it without a careful search بدون تفتيش دقيق .
    Ch. 6 :
    • In the empty house, Captain Ahmed ordered the officer attacked by the female, not to move because he would go to help him. Also when Ayman was bitten by the young spiders, he ordered him to go out because his suit was torn ممزقة .
    • Colonel Mikhail told Captain Ahmed that they must be sure that the female died after spraying the empty house.
    • In the hospital, Captain Ahmed told Colonel Mikhail on the radio that Wafaa should get back very fast save Ayman.
    Ch. 7 :
    • Wafaa Sultan told Captain Osama that they mustn’t lose يفقدونthe plants in the third car and to cross the third wadi.
    • Captain Osama ordered the officers in the third car to cross the third wadi because They have the plant.
    • Captain Osama asked Farouk to get the rope الحبلto attach يوصل it to the third car to get it out of water.
    • Farouk told Captain Osama that they must get the officers out of the third car.
    • Captain Osama asked Wafaa to press the horn تضغط الكلاكسof the car if she saw any tree coming in water.
    Ch. 8 :
    • Lamia said that they shouldn’t kill the spiders because they only hurt يؤذونpeople when people disturbed أزعجوهمthem.
    • Ayman asked Lamia to keep very still تستمر ثابتة and not to move يتحركbecause he wanted to take a photo although he intended ينويto save her from the female.
    الأمـــاني: 5- The Hopes & Wishes
    Ch. 1 :
    • When the old man said that there weren’t any deadly spiders in modern Egypt, the small man hoped that he was right
    Ch. 3 :
    • Dr. Shereen hoped that Ayman was right about the spiders and that there weren’t any killer spiders in modern Egypt.
    • When Professor Jones told Dr. Shereen how dangerous these spiders, she hoped that Ayman would be mistaken مخطئabout seeing the spider.
    Ch. 4 :
    -When Professor Jones told Colonel Mikhail that there was no antivenom for the unknown spiders , he hoped that it would be a known species.
    - Ayman hoped he didn’t start this matter. ( the story of spiders)
    Ch. 5 :
    • When Captain Ahmed told Professor Jones that they must find the spider Ayman saw in the town, Professor Jones hoped that wouldn’t have produced any young.
    أراء مختلفـــة : 6- Different opinions
    Ch. 1 :
    • When the old man said that there weren’t any deadly spiders in modern Egypt, the small man said that these spiders might be unknown like the fish found in underground lake بحيرة تحت الأرض in South America.
    Ch. 2 :
    • Ayman’s friends had different opinions about finding a job, while Ed, Ali and Ayman said that it was a problem, Jill said that they must be flexible مرنينand to take any job is better than no job.
    Ch. 3 :
    • When Shereen told Ayman that the spider maybe came from Bawiti to his town, he said that it maybe came in the boxes came from the archaeological site to the police station.
    • When Shereen told Ayman to tell the police, he said if he told them that he saw a big dangerous spider everyone would laugh at him. يسخرون منه
    • When Shereen told Jones that she didn’t like spiders but Jones told her that the spiders were our friends because they ate insects and if there weren’t any spiders, there would be more flies ذباب and mosquitoes. بعوض
    Ch. 4 :
    • When Ayman told his uncle that Dr. Shereen thought that he should tell the police, Walid refused that because Ayman wasn’t sure and the business in the town would make a loss. خسارة
    Ch. 5 :
    • When Captain Ahmed told Jones that he wanted to destroy يدمرthe spiders to prevent يمنعmore deaths, Professor Jones refused that because it was a great scientific discovery. اكتشاف علمي عظيم
    7- the e-mails:
    Ch. 2 :
    • Ayman sent Shereen an e-mail to introduce يقدمhimself to her and to tell her about the spider he had seen and if there was any picture of this spider with the ancient text.
    • Next day, Shereen sent him an e-mail to thank him and told him that the ancient town was a real town but the story of the spiders may be just a story and that a lot of villages and towns disappeared because the climate became drier. أجف
    Ch. 3 :
    • A week after Ayman’s e-mail. An Egyptian archaeologist replied ردto Shereen’s request طلب for information about deadly قاتلةspiders in ancient Egypt , he told her that he sent a picture that was found near Bawiti a year before.
    • The same evening, she received an e-mail from a German Egyptologist which included اشتملa translation of an ancient text about a medicine called Echinacea negra .
    • Shereen forwarded أرسلتthe picture to Ayman.
    Ch. 4 :
    • Shereen sent another one to tell him about her discussion with Professor Jones who thought that the spider maybe unknown so he would travel to Egypt the next day.
    Ch. 5 :
    • Shereen sent Ayman an e-mail to tell him about the Echinacea Negra medicine and that it was a medicine for the black and yellow spiders. Also, it was extinct منقرض and grow ينموonly in Sinai and it was studied by Wafaa Sultan; a botanical researcher باحثة في النباتاتin Cairo University.

    عدل سابقا من قبل Mr. Yasser في الثلاثاء نوفمبر 09, 2010 8:05 am عدل 1 مرات
    انور حافظ احمد
    انور حافظ احمد

    عدد المساهمات : 95
    تاريخ التسجيل : 01/11/2010
    العمر : 69

    The Spiders Empty رد: The Spiders

    مُساهمة  انور حافظ احمد الثلاثاء نوفمبر 02, 2010 7:01 am

    The Spiders 6815a25ix1mu2

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