العـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــلم والحيــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــاة

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

العـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــلم والحيــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــاة

العـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــلم والحيــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــاة

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

    The Spiders ( characters )

    Mr. Yasser
    Mr. Yasser

    عدد المساهمات : 101
    تاريخ التسجيل : 30/10/2010
    العمر : 57

    The Spiders ( characters ) Empty The Spiders ( characters )

    مُساهمة  Mr. Yasser الجمعة نوفمبر 05, 2010 5:08 pm

    The Spiders - Characters
    Ayman Hassan

    1- Who was Ayman ? What was his favourite hobby ?

    He was a university student. He was the eldest son of Hassan's family . His favourite hobby was the internet that he used for his university studies and for making friends in different countries .

    2-Show that Avman was observant.

    He was able to give an accurate description of the deadly spider, which he saw for a short time.

    3-Prove that Avman brave.

    1- When he first saw the spider in the garden he came nearer to it and wasn't afraid of it.

    2- He went with the police officers to the archaeological site although he knew that the spiders were deadly.

    3- He hurried to help the officer when the spiders attacked him and covered his mask. And as a result, the spider

    bit him.

    4- When he saw the spider on the wall near his sister's head, he knocked it into the aluminum case of the camera.

    4-Show that Ayman had a sense of duty.

    1- He told other people about the spider he had seen.

    2- He helped the police to find the female spider.

    3- When his uncle advised him not to tell the police about the spider for fear that businesses would lose a lot of

    money, he was ready to do so (but it was too late).

    5-Give an example to show that Avman was intelligent.

    When he saw the female spider on the wall behind his sister's head, he asked her not to move. He pretended to take a photograph but he used the camera's flashlight to blind the spider and catch it.

    6-Avman was a sociable person.

    1- He had friends in other countries. He exchanged e-mails with them.

    2- He loved his brother and sister. He was ready to give his life to save others.

    7- Avman was inquisitiveمحب للبحث and curiousفضولى. "Explain"

    1- As soon as he saw the spider, he began to collect information about it.

    2- He used the World Wide Web to get the knowledge he wanted.

    3- He phoned a friend of his who was a student of zoology at the university.

    4- He contacted Dr Shereen Fakhry on the internet.

    8- How was Ayman helpful ?

    1- He moved to help the young officer when the big spider attacked him and he covered his mask at the site .

    2- He helped Captain Ahmed to carry the injured officer outside the tomb to get some fresh air .

    3- He ran to help the officer when the young spiders covered his facemask inside the empty house,.

    9- What was the task given to Ayman by Colonel Mikhail ?

    The colonel asked him to go with the officers to the archaeological site and tell them if the spiders there were the

    same as the one he had seen.

    10- How did the computer prove to be useful to Ayman?

    Using the computer and the internet, Ayman was able to get important information about the spider he saw and communicate with Or Shereen who helped a lot in the fight against the spider.

    11- How did science and nature help to save Ayman's life ?

    -The Echinacea Negra plant was found in nature and scientists used it to make a medicine that cured Ayman from the bites of the young black and yellow spiders that kill.

    - when his breathing stopped , they used a ventilator to keep him alive.

    Dr Shereen Fakhry

    1- What was Dr Shereen's job ?

    She worked at the Department of Egyptology, Oxford University .

    2-Show that Dr Shereen Fakhrv was helpful and practical.

    1 - When Ayman e-mailed her about the black and yellow spider he had seen, she exchanged e-mails with an

    Egyptian archaeologist and a German Egyptologist

    2 - She advised Ayman to tell the police about the spider and asked him to be careful as the spiders were deadly.

    3 - She consulted her friend Susan Bennett who was a zoologist at Oxford University.

    4 - She and Susan Bennett met Professor Jones to ask his opinion about the spider Ayman had seen.

    5 - She sent Ayman an e-mail to tell him about the Echinacea Negra plant which grew in Sinai and which was the

    cure for the deadly spider's bites.

    6 - She also sent Ayman an e-mail to inform him of Professor Jone's visit to Hamdayya.

    3- What's the part played by Dr Shereen in fighting the spiders ?

    1• She translated an old Egyptian text about a town that was burnt down to get rid of deadly spiders that killed

    hundreds of people.

    2• She did her best to identify the spider that Ayman described in his e-mail through her friend Susan Bennett and

    then through Professor Jones.

    3• She had an e-mail from a German Egyptologist about the Echinacea Negra plant used by ancient Egyptians to

    cure the bite of black and yellow spiders that killed .

    4 . She forwarded the e-mail to Ayman .

    5• She told Ayman about the botanist Wafaa Sultan who would help them find the plant in Sinai.

    6• Her sense of duty made her advise Ayman to tell the police and to be careful if he saw the spider again because

    it was dangerous.

    7• Prof . Jones wouldn't have come to Egypt to identify the spider if she hadn't talked to him .
    Professor Jones

    1--Why was Professor Jones a world famous arachnologist?

    - He found three or four unknown species of spider every year during his trips to south Africa and South America.

    - He wrote books on the spiders and other arachnids.

    2-Prove that Professor Jones had a great interest in his work.

    • He had been working on arachnids for 25 years and was still interested in finding new species in South America

    and South Africa.

    - He was angry when he had to cancel his journey to south America in which he would try to find unknown species.

    - He decided to go to Egypt to discover the unknown species of spider which Ayman had seen.

    - He went with the police officers to the archaeological site in order to collect some spiders and identify them.

    • He was so grateful to Ayman who helped him to discover a new species of. spiders.

    3- What was Prof. Jones' job ?

    He was the Head of the Zoology Department at Oxford University.

    4- How was he famous ?

    He was one of the world's top archaeologists .

    He wrote many books on arachnids .

    He discovered a lot of unknown species every year.

    5- How was Prof. Jones helpful ?

    He was ready to help identify the spider and used his equipment to catch some spiders to be taken to the lab for scientists to develop an antivenom

    6- What was the task given to Prof. Jones By Colonel Mikhail ?

    Colonel Mikhail asked him to find one of the spiders and identify it .

    7- How was Prof. Jones modest ?

    Although he was a great scientist he treated other people modestly .

    He apologized to Dr Shereen and Susan and thought he was not polite

    8- How was Prof. Jones generous ?

    He gave Ayman a good camera as a present because Ayman gave him the chance to discover a new species of spider.
    Uncle Walid

    1- What was Uncle Walid's Job ?

    He was a successful businessman .

    2- How was Uncle Walid generous ?

    He has always been good to Ayman and gave him his old computer.

    3- How was Uncle Walid practical?

    He advised Ayman not to tell the police about the spider as he wasn't 100 % sure it was dangerous .

    4- What did Uncle Walid think of stories about dangerous spiders ?

    He thought such stories would frighten people unnecessarily and cause businesses to lose money.
    Wafaa Sultan

    1- What was Wafaa's job ?

    She was a researcher at the Department of Botanical Science at Cairo University.

    ( She was a botanist at Cairo University )

    2- What study did she make ?

    She made a study on a plant called Echinacea Negra that was almost extinct and grew only in Sinai .

    3- What was the part played by Wafaa in the story ? (Or) What was the task given to her ?

    She, was sent to Sinai to get the Echinacea Negra plant so that scientists could produce medicine from its roots to save Ayman's life.

    4- How was Wafaa brave (courageous) ?

    1- After crossing the three flooded wadis in Sinai she was completely alone .

    2- She bravely climbed on the third car and got the plants .

    3- She fought her fear and drove the first car through the storm as quickly as possible to get the plants in time to

    save Ayman's life despite the fearful noise of the he rain, thunder and lightning .

    5--Show that Wafaa Sultan had a sense of duty.

    1- When she was asked to go to Sinai to bring the Echinacea Negra plants, she felt that Ayman's life was in her hands.

    2- She wanted to get the plant in time.

    3- She left the six men on the rocky land and drove back alone.

    1- What was Farouk's Job ?

    He was a botanist who helped Wafaa Sultan to collect the Echinacea Negra plant from Sinai.

    2- How was he helpful ?

    He went into the flooded third wadi to help Captain Osama to pull the rope to the third car and attach it to save the plants .
    Colonel Mikhail

    1.What was Colonel Mikhail's job ?

    He was the police chief at the police station in Hamdayya .

    2- What was his main interest ?

    His main interest was the safety of the people in his town .

    3- What was his role in the fight against the spiders ?

    1- He sent policemen with protective clothing from the Fire Department and insecticide sprays to fight the deadly

    spiders at the archaeological site.

    2- He asked Prof. Jones to get a spider, identify its species and send it to the antivenom lab .

    3- He gave orders to set a barrier around Hamdayya to prevent the escape of the female spider.

    4- He ordered stronger protective suits to fight the spiders inside the empty house next to Ayman's .

    5- He arranged for the Echinacea Negra plant to be brought from Sinai to save Ayman's life .

    4- How was he intelligent ?

    His eyes were quick and intelligent . He could understand the usefulness of people.
    Captain Ahmed

    1- What was the task given to Captain Ahmed by the Colonel ?

    He was appointed leader of the police force fighting the spiders at the archaeological site and inside the empty house next to Ayman's.

    2- How was Captain Ahmed keen on his job ?

    He wanted the Prof. to tell him everything about spiders before they go and fight them because he believed that if you want to fight an enemy you should understand it.

    3- How was Captain Ahmed brave ?

    1• He ran to help the officer who was attacked by the female spider in the underground passage and carried him outside to
    get some fresh air.

    2• He ran forward to help the young officer who was almost blinded by young spiders that covered his facemask inside the empty house .

    3• When the big spider jumped onto the face of one of his men in the empty house he lifted up his hand and knocked it to the ground.

    4• When Ayman fell to the ground, he pulled him up and pushed him towards the stairs at the end of the passage .

    4- How was Captain Ahmed flexible ?

    Although his job was to prevent any more death, he was convinced not to destroy the spiders when the professor told him they were a great scientific discovery and the plan will hot succeed but he would damage the archaeological site

    5- How was Captain Ahmed dutiful ?

    He didn't take the decision of giving up the idea of destroying the spiders by himself but he called the colonel because this matter was to be decided at a higher level than his .

    Captain Osama

    1- What was the task given to Captain Osama ?

    His task was to accompany Wafaa Sultan and Farouk to the mountains in Sinai to get the Echinacea Negra plant.

    2- How was Captain Osama brave ?

    1• He was ready to swim in the dangerous water to help the two officers who were in the jeep in the middle of the flooded third wadi.

    2• He went into the flooded third wadi with Farouk to attach the rope to the third car to pull it to the land .

    3 How did Captain Osama show his sense of duty?

    1• He drove dangerously fast through the heavy rain to reach the wadis before they flooded to be able to cross them and take the plant to the hospital to save Ayman's life'.

    2• He asked Wafaa to leave him with the others trapped on the rocky island to take the plants in time to Ayman .

    4- How was Captain Osama careful ?

    1• He drove slowly down the mountain as the track was narrow, had no surface and was very steep .

    2• He examined the fast-flowing water of the wadis before driving across them.

    3• He put (he car into low gear and drove slowly into the water.

    4• He asked Wafaa to press the horn if She saw a tree coming towards them in the water.

    5• He asked the men in the third car to stay in the car to keep it heavy.

    The Female Spider

    1- How did the female spider reach Hamdayya ?

    It came in the car with the boxes the robbers took from the tomb after the police had found them dead in the desert.

    2- Where did it find a suitable place for its nest ? Why ?

    In the empty house next to Ayman's because it was dark, quiet and safe for it and for its new family .

    3- Why was the female spider more dangerous than the male ?

    Its bite was stronger.

    it could produce thousands of young spiders at a time .

    The medicine from the Echinacea Negra roots can't cure its bite and there was no antivenom either.

    4- What happened to the female spider and its family ?

    All the young spiders in the empty house died by the heavy spraying of insecticides .

    The female spider lost one of its eight legs but was able to survive and escape in one of the two ambulances waiting outside the empty house.

    5- How did the female spider lose one leg ?

    When the officer landed the tank on one of its eight legs the female spider used its fangs against itself to cut the leg off to escape.

    6- What did the female spider do after freeing itself ?

    After freeing itself from the tank it jumped on Ayman's face and then disappeared in the dark.

    7- Where did the female spider reappear ? How did it meet its end ?

    - It reappeared in the hospital terrace near Lamia's shoulder .

    - Ayman was able to knock it into the aluminum box and shut it quickly after blinding it for a second by the flashlight.

    *-Who did the spiders bite in the story?

    1 - The spiders bit the six archaeologists and they were found dead.

    2 - They bit the four robbers who also died.

    3 - Ayman was bitten twice:

    4 - He was first bitten in the tomb but he was cured by the medicine made from the plants brought from Sinai.

    5 - Ayman was bitten for the second time by the female spider in the hospital but he didn't die because he had

    made antibodies when he was bitten for the first line.

    *- Technology played a part in the " Spiders". Explain

    1 - The equipment used in the " Spiders" was highly technological.

    2 - The robbers used Ground Penetrating Radar which showed what was behind the walls.

    3 - The pilot used the radio to contact the police when he found the robbers dead.

    4 - Professor Jones used the ' smoker' to kill the spiders and insects.

    5 - The officers wore protective clothes to protect themselves from the spiders' bites.

    6 - Using high technology, doctors could make an antivenom for the black and yellow spider's bites.


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